Monday, November 19, 2007

Why Our county will implode

So now I own 2 homes. net worth over 1.2 million in property. how is this possible? greed... on all of our behalf.

Greed on my behalf because I am starting to understand the system and figuring out how to manipulate it to my advantage. shame on me. Why cant I be satisfied with working a single job for 40 years, paying my simple mortgage and retiring off of my pension like so many generations before me. In a lot of ways I think this might actually be the smarter way to go. Less stress, more free time (theoretically) and complacency, which I think there is something to be said for. Was the life that was lead so much worse than mine? doubtful.

Greed on the lenders behalf because of something called stated income. These lenders were so hot to get loans under them that they will slide your financial statistics around based on your credit score. they are gambling on the fact that with great scores comes great responsibility. Guess they were off the mark on that one based on todays market as opposed to the one 6 months ago when they basically lied about my information to make the loan more appealing. I didnt really understand this until after it was done and I reviewed the papers. I think part of the reason there is so much paperwork involved with buying a house is becasue they know that you would never enter into the agreement if you understood and read it all in 2 concise pages that laid it all out in black and white. Instead the play the odds that you will never read it all and you will just sign away like a good stooge.

Anyway it looks like we will beg borrow and steal our way into debt as long as someone will put us into it. seems like everyone has mortgaged their assets, what will happen when the first tier default (because guess what they are the ones who can actually afford to default, it only affects them right) the rest will collapse like dominoes. I think we are starting to see the beginning of that trend people. Dollar falling, real estate falling. What else is left?

Writers strike and we all get taxed

While we are at it can we dish out some residuals for the electrician that laid the cables for this "project". I mean if he hadnt gotten that job done said project would not have been "brought to life".

You knew the pay going in, you took the job. Just like the rest of us. I understand negotiating for more pay, but come on already.

The lighting director is using as much art as the writer. as is the DP and camera operator. In fact just about every job that has an impact on the picture is considered an artform these days. People want to get paid for all of this intellectual property that they supposedly "own" now. maybe we should pay some residuals to the mentors that taught us these art forms. without them there wouldn't have been foundation laid for these megaopoly pictures.

People get so upset that someone has figured out how to make more money off of them then they can, that they have a sudden sense of entitlement. Guess what... it will just evolve from here. in the meanwhile we are cutting off our industry nose despite our face. lets piss on the blue collar guy that has to make his measly 250-500 a day doing some ridiculous job that he gets paid way to much for.

Dont we realize we get paid a ton of money to do relatively unimportant work that is mild and usually simple. So I successfully recorded audio for a whole day, this entitles me to make 4 times the median family income by myself.

I am not saying the Producers are right by any means, there is tons to bash on there as well. I think we should work on legislature that deals with excess profitability, and relate it to social consciousness. I know that sounds all eco, green, happy democrat ala westlake mom with guilt issues and plastic surgery in her escalade on 22's calling for social reform, but seriously break the poor people off some.

More later